Commit f2d28b86 by 宋祥


parent 5364f889
* Generate time : 2024-01-09 18:54:54
* Version : 1.0
package com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain; package com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.ei.EiColumn;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.NumberUtils; import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.NumberUtils;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.StringUtils;
import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigDecimal;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.DateUtils;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.ei.EiColumn;
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.StringUtils;
/** /**
* Thpkc008 * Project: <br>
* * <br>
*/ * Description: <br>
* Copyrigth:Baosight Software Copyright (c) 2019. <br>
* @version 1.0
* @history 2024-01-25 11:33:46 create
public class HPKC001 extends DaoEPBase { public class HPKC001 extends DaoEPBase {
private Long id = 0L; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final String FIELD_ID = "id"; /* 主键id*/
public static final String FIELD_COMPANY_CODE = "companyCode"; /* 企业编码 预留*/
public static final String FIELD_DEP_CODE = "depCode"; /* 部门编码*/
public static final String FIELD_CREATED_BY = "createdBy"; /* 创建人*/
public static final String FIELD_CREATED_NAME = "createdName"; /* 创建人名称*/
public static final String FIELD_CREATED_TIME = "createdTime"; /* 创建时间*/
public static final String FIELD_UPDATED_BY = "updatedBy"; /* 更新人*/
public static final String FIELD_UPDATED_NAME = "updatedName"; /* 更新人名称*/
public static final String FIELD_UPDATED_TIME = "updatedTime"; /* 更新时间*/
public static final String FIELD_PURCHASE_CODE = "purchaseCode"; /* 采购单号*/
public static final String FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE = "receiptDate"; /* 单据日期*/
public static final String FIELD_WH_CODE = "whCode"; /* 仓库编码*/
public static final String FIELD_WH_NAME = "whName"; /* 仓库名称*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_TYPE = "inventType"; /* 存货类型*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_CODE = "inventCode"; /* 存货编码*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_NAME = "inventName"; /* 存货名称*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID = "inventRecordId"; /* 存货档案ID*/
public static final String FIELD_AMOUNT = "amount"; /* 数量*/
public static final String FIELD_WEIGHT = "weight"; /* 重量*/
public static final String FIELD_REMARKS = "remarks"; /* 备注*/
public static final String FIELD_DELETE_FLAG = "deleteFlag"; /* 是否删除0.否1.是*/
public static final String COL_ID = "ID"; /* 主键id*/
public static final String COL_COMPANY_CODE = "COMPANY_CODE"; /* 企业编码 预留*/
public static final String COL_DEP_CODE = "DEP_CODE"; /* 部门编码*/
public static final String COL_CREATED_BY = "CREATED_BY"; /* 创建人*/
public static final String COL_CREATED_NAME = "CREATED_NAME"; /* 创建人名称*/
public static final String COL_CREATED_TIME = "CREATED_TIME"; /* 创建时间*/
public static final String COL_UPDATED_BY = "UPDATED_BY"; /* 更新人*/
public static final String COL_UPDATED_NAME = "UPDATED_NAME"; /* 更新人名称*/
public static final String COL_UPDATED_TIME = "UPDATED_TIME"; /* 更新时间*/
public static final String COL_PURCHASE_CODE = "PURCHASE_CODE"; /* 采购单号*/
public static final String COL_RECEIPT_DATE = "RECEIPT_DATE"; /* 单据日期*/
public static final String COL_WH_CODE = "WH_CODE"; /* 仓库编码*/
public static final String COL_WH_NAME = "WH_NAME"; /* 仓库名称*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_TYPE = "INVENT_TYPE"; /* 存货类型*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_CODE = "INVENT_CODE"; /* 存货编码*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_NAME = "INVENT_NAME"; /* 存货名称*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_RECORD_ID = "INVENT_RECORD_ID"; /* 存货档案ID*/
public static final String COL_AMOUNT = "AMOUNT"; /* 数量*/
public static final String COL_WEIGHT = "WEIGHT"; /* 重量*/
public static final String COL_REMARKS = "REMARKS"; /* 备注*/
public static final String COL_DELETE_FLAG = "DELETE_FLAG"; /* 是否删除0.否1.是*/
public static final String QUERY = "t_hpkc001.query";
public static final String COUNT = "t_hpkc001.count";
public static final String INSERT = "t_hpkc001.insert";
public static final String UPDATE = "t_hpkc001.update";
public static final String DELETE = "t_hpkc001.delete";
private Long id = null; /* 主键id*/
private String companyCode = " "; /* 企业编码 预留*/ private String companyCode = " "; /* 企业编码 预留*/
private String depCode = " "; /* 部门编码*/
private String createdBy = " "; /* 创建人*/ private String createdBy = " "; /* 创建人*/
private String createdName = " "; /* 创建人名称*/ private String createdName = " "; /* 创建人名称*/
private String createdTime = " "; /* 创建时间*/ private String createdTime ; /* 创建时间*/
private String updatedBy = " "; /* 更新人*/ private String updatedBy = " "; /* 更新人*/
private String updatedName = " "; /* 创建人名称*/ private String updatedName = " "; /* 更新人名称*/
private String updatedTime = " "; /* 更新时间*/ private String updatedTime ; /* 更新时间*/
private String depCode = " "; /* 部门编码*/ private String purchaseCode = " "; /* 采购单号*/
private int status; /* 数据状态 1正常 0删除*/ private String receiptDate ; /* 单据日期*/
private String documentCode = " "; /* 采购入库单号*/
private String documentTime = " "; /* 单据日期*/
private String whCode = " "; /* 仓库编码*/ private String whCode = " "; /* 仓库编码*/
private String whName = " "; /* 仓库名称*/ private String whName = " "; /* 仓库名称*/
private String materialType = " "; /* 存货类型编码*/ private String inventType = " "; /* 存货类型*/
private String materialTypeName = " "; /* 存货类型名称*/ private String inventCode = " "; /* 存货编码*/
private String materialCode = " "; /* 存货编码*/ private String inventName = " "; /* 存货名称*/
private String materialName = " "; /* 存货名称*/ private Long inventRecordId = new Long(0); /* 存货档案ID*/
private String spec = " "; /* 规格*/ private BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0"); /* 数量*/
private String unit = " "; /* 单位*/
private Long quantity = 0L; /* 数量*/
private BigDecimal weight = new BigDecimal("0"); /* 重量*/ private BigDecimal weight = new BigDecimal("0"); /* 重量*/
private String remarks = " "; /* 备注*/ private String remarks = " "; /* 备注*/
private int approvalStatus; /* 审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝*/ private Integer deleteFlag; /* 是否删除0.否1.是*/
private String custCode = " "; /* 供应商编码*/
private String custName = " "; /* 供应商名称*/
* initialize the metadata.
public void initMetaData() {
EiColumn eiColumn;
/** eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_ID);
* initialize the metadata
public void initMetaData() {
EiColumn eiColumn;
eiColumn = new EiColumn("id");
eiColumn.setPrimaryKey(true); eiColumn.setPrimaryKey(true);
eiColumn.setDescName(" "); eiColumn.setDescName("主键id");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("companyCode"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE);
eiColumn.setDescName("企业编码 预留"); eiColumn.setDescName("企业编码 预留");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("createdBy"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_DEP_CODE);
eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_CREATED_BY);
eiColumn.setDescName("创建人"); eiColumn.setDescName("创建人");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("createdByName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_CREATED_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("创建人名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("创建人名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("createdTime"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_CREATED_TIME);
eiColumn.setDescName("创建时间"); eiColumn.setDescName("创建时间");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("updatedBy"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_UPDATED_BY);
eiColumn.setDescName("更新人"); eiColumn.setDescName("更新人");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("updatedName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("更新人名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("更新人名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("updatedTime"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME);
eiColumn.setDescName("更新时间"); eiColumn.setDescName("更新时间");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("depCode"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_PURCHASE_CODE);
eiColumn.setDescName("部门编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("采购单号");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("status");
eiColumn.setDescName("数据状态 1正常 0删除");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("documentCode");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("documentTime"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE);
eiColumn.setDescName("单据日期"); eiColumn.setDescName("单据日期");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("whCode"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_WH_CODE);
eiColumn.setDescName("仓库编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("仓库编码");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("whName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_WH_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("仓库名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("仓库名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialType"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE);
eiColumn.setDescName("存货类型编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货类型");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialTypeName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_CODE);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialCode");
eiColumn.setDescName("存货编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货编码");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("存货名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("spec"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID);
eiColumn.setDescName("规格"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货档案ID");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("unit");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("quantity"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_AMOUNT);
eiColumn.setDescName("数量"); eiColumn.setDescName("数量");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("weight"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_WEIGHT);
eiColumn.setType("N"); eiColumn.setType("N");
eiColumn.setScaleLength(2); eiColumn.setScaleLength(0);
eiColumn.setFieldLength(10); eiColumn.setFieldLength(12);
eiColumn.setDescName("重量"); eiColumn.setDescName("重量");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("remarks"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_REMARKS);
eiColumn.setDescName("备注"); eiColumn.setDescName("备注");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("approvalStatus"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG);
eiColumn.setDescName("审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝"); eiColumn.setDescName("是否删除0.否1.是");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("custCode");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("custName"); }
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); /**
} * the constructor.
/** */
* the constructor public HPKC001() {
*/ initMetaData();
public HPKC001() { }
* get the id - 主键id.
* @return the id
public Long getId() { public Long getId() {
return id; return;
} }
* set the id - 主键id.
* @param id - 主键id
public void setId(Long id) { public void setId(Long id) { = id; = id;
} }
* get the companyCode - 企业编码 预留.
* @return the companyCode
public String getCompanyCode() { public String getCompanyCode() {
return companyCode; return this.companyCode;
} }
* set the companyCode - 企业编码 预留.
* @param companyCode - 企业编码 预留
public void setCompanyCode(String companyCode) { public void setCompanyCode(String companyCode) {
this.companyCode = companyCode; this.companyCode = companyCode;
} }
* get the depCode - 部门编码.
* @return the depCode
public String getDepCode() {
return this.depCode;
* set the depCode - 部门编码.
* @param depCode - 部门编码
public void setDepCode(String depCode) {
this.depCode = depCode;
* get the createdBy - 创建人.
* @return the createdBy
public String getCreatedBy() { public String getCreatedBy() {
return createdBy; return this.createdBy;
} }
* set the createdBy - 创建人.
* @param createdBy - 创建人
public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy) { public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy) {
this.createdBy = createdBy; this.createdBy = createdBy;
} }
* get the createdName - 创建人名称.
* @return the createdName
public String getCreatedName() { public String getCreatedName() {
return createdName; return this.createdName;
} }
* set the createdName - 创建人名称.
* @param createdName - 创建人名称
public void setCreatedName(String createdName) { public void setCreatedName(String createdName) {
this.createdName = createdName; this.createdName = createdName;
} }
* get the createdTime - 创建时间.
* @return the createdTime
public String getCreatedTime() { public String getCreatedTime() {
return createdTime; return this.createdTime;
} }
* set the createdTime - 创建时间.
* @param createdTime - 创建时间
public void setCreatedTime(String createdTime) { public void setCreatedTime(String createdTime) {
this.createdTime = createdTime; this.createdTime = createdTime;
} }
* get the updatedBy - 更新人.
* @return the updatedBy
public String getUpdatedBy() { public String getUpdatedBy() {
return updatedBy; return this.updatedBy;
} }
* set the updatedBy - 更新人.
* @param updatedBy - 更新人
public void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy) { public void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy) {
this.updatedBy = updatedBy; this.updatedBy = updatedBy;
} }
* get the updatedName - 更新人名称.
* @return the updatedName
public String getUpdatedName() { public String getUpdatedName() {
return updatedName; return this.updatedName;
} }
* set the updatedName - 更新人名称.
* @param updatedName - 更新人名称
public void setUpdatedName(String updatedName) { public void setUpdatedName(String updatedName) {
this.updatedName = updatedName; this.updatedName = updatedName;
} }
* get the updatedTime - 更新时间.
* @return the updatedTime
public String getUpdatedTime() { public String getUpdatedTime() {
return updatedTime; return this.updatedTime;
} }
* set the updatedTime - 更新时间.
* @param updatedTime - 更新时间
public void setUpdatedTime(String updatedTime) { public void setUpdatedTime(String updatedTime) {
this.updatedTime = updatedTime; this.updatedTime = updatedTime;
} }
public String getDepCode() { * get the purchaseCode - 采购单号.
return depCode; * @return the purchaseCode
} */
public String getPurchaseCode() {
public void setDepCode(String depCode) { return this.purchaseCode;
this.depCode = depCode;
public int getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;
public String getDocumentCode() {
return documentCode;
} }
public void setDocumentCode(String documentCode) { /**
this.documentCode = documentCode; * set the purchaseCode - 采购单号.
* @param purchaseCode - 采购单号
public void setPurchaseCode(String purchaseCode) {
this.purchaseCode = purchaseCode;
} }
public String getDocumentTime() { * get the receiptDate - 单据日期.
return documentTime; * @return the receiptDate
public String getReceiptDate() {
return this.receiptDate;
} }
public void setDocumentTime(String documentTime) { /**
this.documentTime = documentTime; * set the receiptDate - 单据日期.
* @param receiptDate - 单据日期
public void setReceiptDate(String receiptDate) {
this.receiptDate = receiptDate;
} }
* get the whCode - 仓库编码.
* @return the whCode
public String getWhCode() { public String getWhCode() {
return whCode; return this.whCode;
} }
* set the whCode - 仓库编码.
* @param whCode - 仓库编码
public void setWhCode(String whCode) { public void setWhCode(String whCode) {
this.whCode = whCode; this.whCode = whCode;
} }
* get the whName - 仓库名称.
* @return the whName
public String getWhName() { public String getWhName() {
return whName; return this.whName;
} }
* set the whName - 仓库名称.
* @param whName - 仓库名称
public void setWhName(String whName) { public void setWhName(String whName) {
this.whName = whName; this.whName = whName;
} }
public String getMaterialType() { * get the inventType - 存货类型.
return materialType; * @return the inventType
} */
public String getInventType() {
public void setMaterialType(String materialType) { return this.inventType;
this.materialType = materialType;
public String getMaterialTypeName() {
return materialTypeName;
public void setMaterialTypeName(String materialTypeName) {
this.materialTypeName = materialTypeName;
public String getMaterialCode() {
return materialCode;
} }
public void setMaterialCode(String materialCode) { /**
this.materialCode = materialCode; * set the inventType - 存货类型.
* @param inventType - 存货类型
public void setInventType(String inventType) {
this.inventType = inventType;
} }
public String getMaterialName() { * get the inventCode - 存货编码.
return materialName; * @return the inventCode
public String getInventCode() {
return this.inventCode;
} }
public void setMaterialName(String materialName) { /**
this.materialName = materialName; * set the inventCode - 存货编码.
* @param inventCode - 存货编码
public void setInventCode(String inventCode) {
this.inventCode = inventCode;
} }
public String getSpec() { * get the inventName - 存货名称.
return spec; * @return the inventName
public String getInventName() {
return this.inventName;
} }
public void setSpec(String spec) { /**
this.spec = spec; * set the inventName - 存货名称.
* @param inventName - 存货名称
public void setInventName(String inventName) {
this.inventName = inventName;
} }
public String getUnit() { * get the inventRecordId - 存货档案ID.
return unit; * @return the inventRecordId
public Long getInventRecordId() {
return this.inventRecordId;
} }
public void setUnit(String unit) { /**
this.unit = unit; * set the inventRecordId - 存货档案ID.
* @param inventRecordId - 存货档案ID
public void setInventRecordId(Long inventRecordId) {
this.inventRecordId = inventRecordId;
} }
public Long getQuantity() { * get the amount - 数量.
return quantity; * @return the amount
public BigDecimal getAmount() {
return this.amount;
} }
public void setQuantity(Long quantity) { /**
this.quantity = quantity; * set the amount - 数量.
* @param amount - 数量
public void setAmount(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
} }
* get the weight - 重量.
* @return the weight
public BigDecimal getWeight() { public BigDecimal getWeight() {
return weight; return this.weight;
} }
* set the weight - 重量.
* @param weight - 重量
public void setWeight(BigDecimal weight) { public void setWeight(BigDecimal weight) {
this.weight = weight; this.weight = weight;
} }
* get the remarks - 备注.
* @return the remarks
public String getRemarks() { public String getRemarks() {
return remarks; return this.remarks;
} }
* set the remarks - 备注.
* @param remarks - 备注
public void setRemarks(String remarks) { public void setRemarks(String remarks) {
this.remarks = remarks; this.remarks = remarks;
} }
public int getApprovalStatus() { * get the deleteFlag - 是否删除0.否1.是.
return approvalStatus; * @return the deleteFlag
} */
public Integer getDeleteFlag() {
public void setApprovalStatus(int approvalStatus) { return this.deleteFlag;
this.approvalStatus = approvalStatus;
public String getCustCode() {
return custCode;
public void setCustCode(String custCode) {
this.custCode = custCode;
} }
public String getCustName() { /**
return custName; * set the deleteFlag - 是否删除0.否1.是.
* @param deleteFlag - 是否删除0.否1.是
public void setDeleteFlag(Integer deleteFlag) {
this.deleteFlag = deleteFlag;
} }
public void setCustName(String custName) { * get the value from Map.
this.custName = custName; *
* @param map - source data map
public void fromMap(Map map) {
setId(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_ID)), id));
setCompanyCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE)), companyCode));
setDepCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_DEP_CODE)), depCode));
setCreatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_CREATED_BY)), createdBy));
setCreatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_CREATED_NAME)), createdName));
setCreatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_CREATED_TIME)), createdTime));
setUpdatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_UPDATED_BY)), updatedBy));
setUpdatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME)), updatedName));
setUpdatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME)), updatedTime));
setPurchaseCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_PURCHASE_CODE)), purchaseCode));
setReceiptDate(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE)), receiptDate));
setWhCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_WH_CODE)), whCode));
setWhName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_WH_NAME)), whName));
setInventType(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE)), inventType));
setInventCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_CODE)), inventCode));
setInventName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_NAME)), inventName));
setInventRecordId(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID)), inventRecordId));
setAmount(NumberUtils.toBigDecimal(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_AMOUNT)), amount));
setWeight(NumberUtils.toBigDecimal(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_WEIGHT)), weight));
setRemarks(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_REMARKS)), remarks));
setDeleteFlag(NumberUtils.toInteger(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG)), deleteFlag));
} }
/** /**
* get the value from Map * set the value to Map.
*/ */
@Override @Override
public void fromMap(Map map) { public Map toMap() {
setId(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get("id")), id));
setCompanyCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("companyCode")), companyCode));
setCreatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("createdBy")), createdBy));
setCreatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("createdByName")), createdName));
setCreatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("createdTime")), createdTime));
setUpdatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("updatedBy")), updatedBy));
setUpdatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("updatedName")), updatedName));
setUpdatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("updatedTime")), updatedTime));
setDepCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("depCode")), depCode));
setStatus(NumberUtils.toint(StringUtils.toString(map.get("status")), status));
setDocumentCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("documentCode")), documentCode));
setDocumentTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("documentTime")), documentTime));
setWhCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("whCode")), whCode));
setWhName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("whName")), whName));
setMaterialType(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialType")), materialType));
setMaterialTypeName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialTypeName")), materialTypeName));
setMaterialCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialCode")), materialCode));
setMaterialName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialName")), materialName));
setSpec(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("spec")), spec));
setUnit(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("unit")), unit));
setQuantity(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get("quantity")), quantity));
setWeight(NumberUtils.toBigDecimal(StringUtils.toString(map.get("weight")), weight));
setRemarks(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("remarks")), remarks));
setApprovalStatus(NumberUtils.toint(StringUtils.toString(map.get("approvalStatus")), approvalStatus));
setCustCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("custCode")), custCode));
setCustName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("custName")), custName));
* set the value to Map
public Map toMap() {
Map map = new HashMap(); Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("id",StringUtils.toString(id, eiMetadata.getMeta("id"))); map.put(FIELD_ID, StringUtils.toString(id, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_ID)));
map.put("companyCode",StringUtils.toString(companyCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("companyCode"))); map.put(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE, StringUtils.toString(companyCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE)));
map.put("createdBy",StringUtils.toString(createdBy, eiMetadata.getMeta("createdBy"))); map.put(FIELD_DEP_CODE, StringUtils.toString(depCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_DEP_CODE)));
map.put("createdName",StringUtils.toString(createdName, eiMetadata.getMeta("createdByName"))); map.put(FIELD_CREATED_BY, StringUtils.toString(createdBy, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_CREATED_BY)));
map.put("createdTime",StringUtils.toString(createdTime, eiMetadata.getMeta("createdTime"))); map.put(FIELD_CREATED_NAME, StringUtils.toString(createdName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_CREATED_NAME)));
map.put("updatedBy",StringUtils.toString(updatedBy, eiMetadata.getMeta("updatedBy"))); map.put(FIELD_CREATED_TIME, StringUtils.toString(createdTime, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_CREATED_TIME)));
map.put("updatedName",StringUtils.toString(updatedName, eiMetadata.getMeta("updatedName"))); map.put(FIELD_UPDATED_BY, StringUtils.toString(updatedBy, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_UPDATED_BY)));
map.put("updatedTime",StringUtils.toString(updatedTime, eiMetadata.getMeta("updatedTime"))); map.put(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME, StringUtils.toString(updatedName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME)));
map.put("depCode",StringUtils.toString(depCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("depCode"))); map.put(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME, StringUtils.toString(updatedTime, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME)));
map.put("status",StringUtils.toString(status, eiMetadata.getMeta("status"))); map.put(FIELD_PURCHASE_CODE, StringUtils.toString(purchaseCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_PURCHASE_CODE)));
map.put("documentCode",StringUtils.toString(documentCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("documentCode"))); map.put(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE, StringUtils.toString(receiptDate, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE)));
map.put("documentTime",StringUtils.toString(documentTime, eiMetadata.getMeta("documentTime"))); map.put(FIELD_WH_CODE, StringUtils.toString(whCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_WH_CODE)));
map.put("whCode",StringUtils.toString(whCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("whCode"))); map.put(FIELD_WH_NAME, StringUtils.toString(whName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_WH_NAME)));
map.put("whName",StringUtils.toString(whName, eiMetadata.getMeta("whName"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE, StringUtils.toString(inventType, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE)));
map.put("materialType",StringUtils.toString(materialType, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialType"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_CODE, StringUtils.toString(inventCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_CODE)));
map.put("materialTypeName",StringUtils.toString(materialTypeName, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialTypeName"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_NAME, StringUtils.toString(inventName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_NAME)));
map.put("materialCode",StringUtils.toString(materialCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialCode"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID, StringUtils.toString(inventRecordId, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID)));
map.put("materialName",StringUtils.toString(materialName, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialName"))); map.put(FIELD_AMOUNT, StringUtils.toString(amount, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_AMOUNT)));
map.put("spec",StringUtils.toString(spec, eiMetadata.getMeta("spec"))); map.put(FIELD_WEIGHT, StringUtils.toString(weight, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_WEIGHT)));
map.put("unit",StringUtils.toString(unit, eiMetadata.getMeta("unit"))); map.put(FIELD_REMARKS, StringUtils.toString(remarks, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_REMARKS)));
map.put("quantity",StringUtils.toString(quantity, eiMetadata.getMeta("quantity"))); map.put(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG, StringUtils.toString(deleteFlag, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG)));
map.put("weight",StringUtils.toString(weight, eiMetadata.getMeta("weight")));
map.put("remarks",StringUtils.toString(remarks, eiMetadata.getMeta("remarks")));
map.put("approvalStatus",StringUtils.toString(approvalStatus, eiMetadata.getMeta("approvalStatus")));
map.put("custCode",StringUtils.toString(custCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("custCode")));
map.put("custName",StringUtils.toString(custName, eiMetadata.getMeta("custName")));
return map;
} return map;
} }
* Generate time : 2024-01-09 18:54:54
* Version : 1.0
package com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain; package com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.ei.EiColumn;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.NumberUtils; import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.NumberUtils;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.StringUtils;
import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigDecimal;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.DateUtils;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.ei.EiColumn;
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map;
import com.baosight.iplat4j.core.util.StringUtils;
/** /**
* Thpkc008 * Project: <br>
* * <br>
*/ * Description: <br>
* Copyrigth:Baosight Software Copyright (c) 2019. <br>
* @version 1.0
* @history 2024-01-25 13:33:31 create
public class HPKC002 extends DaoEPBase { public class HPKC002 extends DaoEPBase {
private Long id = 0L; private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public static final String FIELD_ID = "id"; /* 主键id*/
public static final String FIELD_COMPANY_CODE = "companyCode"; /* 企业编码 预留*/
public static final String FIELD_DEP_CODE = "depCode"; /* 部门编码*/
public static final String FIELD_CREATED_BY = "createdBy"; /* 创建人*/
public static final String FIELD_CREATED_NAME = "createdName"; /* 创建人名称*/
public static final String FIELD_CREATED_TIME = "createdTime"; /* 创建时间*/
public static final String FIELD_UPDATED_BY = "updatedBy"; /* 更新人*/
public static final String FIELD_UPDATED_NAME = "updatedName"; /* 更新人名称*/
public static final String FIELD_UPDATED_TIME = "updatedTime"; /* 更新时间*/
public static final String FIELD_REQ_CODE = "reqCode"; /* 领料单号*/
public static final String FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE = "receiptDate"; /* 单据日期*/
public static final String FIELD_WH_CODE = "whCode"; /* 仓库编码*/
public static final String FIELD_WH_NAME = "whName"; /* 仓库名称*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_TYPE = "inventType"; /* 存货类型*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_CODE = "inventCode"; /* 存货编码*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_NAME = "inventName"; /* 存货名称*/
public static final String FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID = "inventRecordId"; /* 存货档案ID*/
public static final String FIELD_AMOUNT = "amount"; /* 数量*/
public static final String FIELD_WEIGHT = "weight"; /* 重量*/
public static final String FIELD_REMARKS = "remarks"; /* 备注*/
public static final String FIELD_DELETE_FLAG = "deleteFlag"; /* 是否删除0.否1.是*/
public static final String COL_ID = "ID"; /* 主键id*/
public static final String COL_COMPANY_CODE = "COMPANY_CODE"; /* 企业编码 预留*/
public static final String COL_DEP_CODE = "DEP_CODE"; /* 部门编码*/
public static final String COL_CREATED_BY = "CREATED_BY"; /* 创建人*/
public static final String COL_CREATED_NAME = "CREATED_NAME"; /* 创建人名称*/
public static final String COL_CREATED_TIME = "CREATED_TIME"; /* 创建时间*/
public static final String COL_UPDATED_BY = "UPDATED_BY"; /* 更新人*/
public static final String COL_UPDATED_NAME = "UPDATED_NAME"; /* 更新人名称*/
public static final String COL_UPDATED_TIME = "UPDATED_TIME"; /* 更新时间*/
public static final String COL_REQ_CODE = "REQ_CODE"; /* 领料单号*/
public static final String COL_RECEIPT_DATE = "RECEIPT_DATE"; /* 单据日期*/
public static final String COL_WH_CODE = "WH_CODE"; /* 仓库编码*/
public static final String COL_WH_NAME = "WH_NAME"; /* 仓库名称*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_TYPE = "INVENT_TYPE"; /* 存货类型*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_CODE = "INVENT_CODE"; /* 存货编码*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_NAME = "INVENT_NAME"; /* 存货名称*/
public static final String COL_INVENT_RECORD_ID = "INVENT_RECORD_ID"; /* 存货档案ID*/
public static final String COL_AMOUNT = "AMOUNT"; /* 数量*/
public static final String COL_WEIGHT = "WEIGHT"; /* 重量*/
public static final String COL_REMARKS = "REMARKS"; /* 备注*/
public static final String COL_DELETE_FLAG = "DELETE_FLAG"; /* 是否删除0.否1.是*/
public static final String QUERY = "t_hpkc002.query";
public static final String COUNT = "t_hpkc002.count";
public static final String INSERT = "t_hpkc002.insert";
public static final String UPDATE = "t_hpkc002.update";
public static final String DELETE = "t_hpkc002.delete";
private Long id = null; /* 主键id*/
private String companyCode = " "; /* 企业编码 预留*/ private String companyCode = " "; /* 企业编码 预留*/
private String depCode = " "; /* 部门编码*/
private String createdBy = " "; /* 创建人*/ private String createdBy = " "; /* 创建人*/
private String createdName = " "; /* 创建人名称*/ private String createdName = " "; /* 创建人名称*/
private String createdTime = " "; /* 创建时间*/ private String createdTime ; /* 创建时间*/
private String updatedBy = " "; /* 更新人*/ private String updatedBy = " "; /* 更新人*/
private String updatedName = " "; /* 创建人名称*/ private String updatedName = " "; /* 更新人名称*/
private String updatedTime = " "; /* 更新时间*/ private String updatedTime ; /* 更新时间*/
private String depCode = " "; /* 部门编码*/ private String reqCode = " "; /* 领料单号*/
private int status; /* 数据状态 1正常 0删除*/ private String receiptDate ; /* 单据日期*/
private String documentCode = " "; /* 单据编号*/
private String documentTime = " "; /* 单据日期*/
private String whCode = " "; /* 仓库编码*/ private String whCode = " "; /* 仓库编码*/
private String whName = " "; /* 仓库名称*/ private String whName = " "; /* 仓库名称*/
private String materialType = " "; /* 存货类型编码*/ private String inventType = " "; /* 存货类型*/
private String materialTypeName = " "; /* 存货类型名称*/ private String inventCode = " "; /* 存货编码*/
private String materialCode = " "; /* 存货编码*/ private String inventName = " "; /* 存货名称*/
private String materialName = " "; /* 存货名称*/ private Long inventRecordId = new Long(0); /* 存货档案ID*/
private String spec = " "; /* 规格*/ private BigDecimal amount = new BigDecimal("0"); /* 数量*/
private String unit = " "; /* 单位*/
private Long quantity = 0L; /* 数量*/
private BigDecimal weight = new BigDecimal("0"); /* 重量*/ private BigDecimal weight = new BigDecimal("0"); /* 重量*/
private String remarks = " "; /* 备注*/ private String remarks = " "; /* 备注*/
private int approvalStatus; /* 审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝*/ private Boolean deleteFlag; /* 是否删除0.否1.是*/
private String custCode = " "; /* 供应商编码*/
private String custName = " "; /* 供应商名称*/
/** /**
* initialize the metadata * initialize the metadata.
*/ */
public void initMetaData() { public void initMetaData() {
EiColumn eiColumn; EiColumn eiColumn;
eiColumn = new EiColumn("id"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_ID);
eiColumn.setPrimaryKey(true); eiColumn.setPrimaryKey(true);
eiColumn.setDescName(" "); eiColumn.setDescName("主键id");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("companyCode"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE);
eiColumn.setDescName("企业编码 预留"); eiColumn.setDescName("企业编码 预留");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("createdBy"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_DEP_CODE);
eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_CREATED_BY);
eiColumn.setDescName("创建人"); eiColumn.setDescName("创建人");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("createdByName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_CREATED_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("创建人名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("创建人名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("createdTime"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_CREATED_TIME);
eiColumn.setDescName("创建时间"); eiColumn.setDescName("创建时间");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("updatedBy"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_UPDATED_BY);
eiColumn.setDescName("更新人"); eiColumn.setDescName("更新人");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("updatedName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("更新人名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("更新人名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("updatedTime"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME);
eiColumn.setDescName("更新时间"); eiColumn.setDescName("更新时间");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("depCode"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_REQ_CODE);
eiColumn.setDescName("部门编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("领料单号");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("status"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE);
eiColumn.setDescName("数据状态 1正常 0删除");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("documentCode");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("documentTime");
eiColumn.setDescName("单据日期"); eiColumn.setDescName("单据日期");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("whCode"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_WH_CODE);
eiColumn.setDescName("仓库编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("仓库编码");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("whName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_WH_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("仓库名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("仓库名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialType"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE);
eiColumn.setDescName("存货类型编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货类型");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialTypeName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_CODE);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialCode");
eiColumn.setDescName("存货编码"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货编码");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("materialName"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_NAME);
eiColumn.setDescName("存货名称"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货名称");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("spec"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID);
eiColumn.setDescName("规格"); eiColumn.setDescName("存货档案ID");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("unit");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("quantity"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_AMOUNT);
eiColumn.setDescName("数量"); eiColumn.setDescName("数量");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("weight"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_WEIGHT);
eiColumn.setType("N"); eiColumn.setType("N");
eiColumn.setScaleLength(2); eiColumn.setScaleLength(0);
eiColumn.setFieldLength(10); eiColumn.setFieldLength(12);
eiColumn.setDescName("重量"); eiColumn.setDescName("重量");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("remarks"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_REMARKS);
eiColumn.setDescName("备注"); eiColumn.setDescName("备注");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("approvalStatus"); eiColumn = new EiColumn(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG);
eiColumn.setDescName("审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝"); eiColumn.setDescName("是否删除0.否1.是");
eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn); eiMetadata.addMeta(eiColumn);
eiColumn = new EiColumn("custCode");
eiColumn = new EiColumn("custName");
} }
/** /**
* the constructor * the constructor.
*/ */
public HPKC002() { public HPKC002() {
initMetaData(); initMetaData();
} }
* get the id - 主键id.
* @return the id
public Long getId() { public Long getId() {
return id; return;
} }
* set the id - 主键id.
* @param id - 主键id
public void setId(Long id) { public void setId(Long id) { = id; = id;
} }
* get the companyCode - 企业编码 预留.
* @return the companyCode
public String getCompanyCode() { public String getCompanyCode() {
return companyCode; return this.companyCode;
} }
* set the companyCode - 企业编码 预留.
* @param companyCode - 企业编码 预留
public void setCompanyCode(String companyCode) { public void setCompanyCode(String companyCode) {
this.companyCode = companyCode; this.companyCode = companyCode;
} }
* get the depCode - 部门编码.
* @return the depCode
public String getDepCode() {
return this.depCode;
* set the depCode - 部门编码.
* @param depCode - 部门编码
public void setDepCode(String depCode) {
this.depCode = depCode;
* get the createdBy - 创建人.
* @return the createdBy
public String getCreatedBy() { public String getCreatedBy() {
return createdBy; return this.createdBy;
} }
* set the createdBy - 创建人.
* @param createdBy - 创建人
public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy) { public void setCreatedBy(String createdBy) {
this.createdBy = createdBy; this.createdBy = createdBy;
} }
* get the createdName - 创建人名称.
* @return the createdName
public String getCreatedName() { public String getCreatedName() {
return createdName; return this.createdName;
} }
* set the createdName - 创建人名称.
* @param createdName - 创建人名称
public void setCreatedName(String createdName) { public void setCreatedName(String createdName) {
this.createdName = createdName; this.createdName = createdName;
} }
* get the createdTime - 创建时间.
* @return the createdTime
public String getCreatedTime() { public String getCreatedTime() {
return createdTime; return this.createdTime;
} }
* set the createdTime - 创建时间.
* @param createdTime - 创建时间
public void setCreatedTime(String createdTime) { public void setCreatedTime(String createdTime) {
this.createdTime = createdTime; this.createdTime = createdTime;
} }
* get the updatedBy - 更新人.
* @return the updatedBy
public String getUpdatedBy() { public String getUpdatedBy() {
return updatedBy; return this.updatedBy;
} }
* set the updatedBy - 更新人.
* @param updatedBy - 更新人
public void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy) { public void setUpdatedBy(String updatedBy) {
this.updatedBy = updatedBy; this.updatedBy = updatedBy;
} }
* get the updatedName - 更新人名称.
* @return the updatedName
public String getUpdatedName() { public String getUpdatedName() {
return updatedName; return this.updatedName;
} }
* set the updatedName - 更新人名称.
* @param updatedName - 更新人名称
public void setUpdatedName(String updatedName) { public void setUpdatedName(String updatedName) {
this.updatedName = updatedName; this.updatedName = updatedName;
} }
* get the updatedTime - 更新时间.
* @return the updatedTime
public String getUpdatedTime() { public String getUpdatedTime() {
return updatedTime; return this.updatedTime;
} }
* set the updatedTime - 更新时间.
* @param updatedTime - 更新时间
public void setUpdatedTime(String updatedTime) { public void setUpdatedTime(String updatedTime) {
this.updatedTime = updatedTime; this.updatedTime = updatedTime;
} }
public String getDepCode() { * get the reqCode - 领料单号.
return depCode; * @return the reqCode
} */
public String getReqCode() {
public void setDepCode(String depCode) { return this.reqCode;
this.depCode = depCode;
public int getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(int status) {
this.status = status;
public String getDocumentCode() {
return documentCode;
} }
public void setDocumentCode(String documentCode) { /**
this.documentCode = documentCode; * set the reqCode - 领料单号.
* @param reqCode - 领料单号
public void setReqCode(String reqCode) {
this.reqCode = reqCode;
} }
public String getDocumentTime() { * get the receiptDate - 单据日期.
return documentTime; * @return the receiptDate
public String getReceiptDate() {
return this.receiptDate;
} }
public void setDocumentTime(String documentTime) { /**
this.documentTime = documentTime; * set the receiptDate - 单据日期.
* @param receiptDate - 单据日期
public void setReceiptDate(String receiptDate) {
this.receiptDate = receiptDate;
} }
* get the whCode - 仓库编码.
* @return the whCode
public String getWhCode() { public String getWhCode() {
return whCode; return this.whCode;
} }
* set the whCode - 仓库编码.
* @param whCode - 仓库编码
public void setWhCode(String whCode) { public void setWhCode(String whCode) {
this.whCode = whCode; this.whCode = whCode;
} }
* get the whName - 仓库名称.
* @return the whName
public String getWhName() { public String getWhName() {
return whName; return this.whName;
} }
* set the whName - 仓库名称.
* @param whName - 仓库名称
public void setWhName(String whName) { public void setWhName(String whName) {
this.whName = whName; this.whName = whName;
} }
public String getMaterialType() { * get the inventType - 存货类型.
return materialType; * @return the inventType
} */
public String getInventType() {
public void setMaterialType(String materialType) { return this.inventType;
this.materialType = materialType;
public String getMaterialTypeName() {
return materialTypeName;
public void setMaterialTypeName(String materialTypeName) {
this.materialTypeName = materialTypeName;
public String getMaterialCode() {
return materialCode;
} }
public void setMaterialCode(String materialCode) { /**
this.materialCode = materialCode; * set the inventType - 存货类型.
* @param inventType - 存货类型
public void setInventType(String inventType) {
this.inventType = inventType;
} }
public String getMaterialName() { * get the inventCode - 存货编码.
return materialName; * @return the inventCode
public String getInventCode() {
return this.inventCode;
} }
public void setMaterialName(String materialName) { /**
this.materialName = materialName; * set the inventCode - 存货编码.
* @param inventCode - 存货编码
public void setInventCode(String inventCode) {
this.inventCode = inventCode;
} }
public String getSpec() { * get the inventName - 存货名称.
return spec; * @return the inventName
public String getInventName() {
return this.inventName;
} }
public void setSpec(String spec) { /**
this.spec = spec; * set the inventName - 存货名称.
* @param inventName - 存货名称
public void setInventName(String inventName) {
this.inventName = inventName;
} }
public String getUnit() { * get the inventRecordId - 存货档案ID.
return unit; * @return the inventRecordId
public Long getInventRecordId() {
return this.inventRecordId;
} }
public void setUnit(String unit) { /**
this.unit = unit; * set the inventRecordId - 存货档案ID.
* @param inventRecordId - 存货档案ID
public void setInventRecordId(Long inventRecordId) {
this.inventRecordId = inventRecordId;
} }
public Long getQuantity() { * get the amount - 数量.
return quantity; * @return the amount
public BigDecimal getAmount() {
return this.amount;
} }
public void setQuantity(Long quantity) { /**
this.quantity = quantity; * set the amount - 数量.
* @param amount - 数量
public void setAmount(BigDecimal amount) {
this.amount = amount;
} }
* get the weight - 重量.
* @return the weight
public BigDecimal getWeight() { public BigDecimal getWeight() {
return weight; return this.weight;
} }
* set the weight - 重量.
* @param weight - 重量
public void setWeight(BigDecimal weight) { public void setWeight(BigDecimal weight) {
this.weight = weight; this.weight = weight;
} }
* get the remarks - 备注.
* @return the remarks
public String getRemarks() { public String getRemarks() {
return remarks; return this.remarks;
} }
* set the remarks - 备注.
* @param remarks - 备注
public void setRemarks(String remarks) { public void setRemarks(String remarks) {
this.remarks = remarks; this.remarks = remarks;
} }
public int getApprovalStatus() { * get the deleteFlag - 是否删除0.否1.是.
return approvalStatus; * @return the deleteFlag
} */
public Boolean getDeleteFlag() {
public void setApprovalStatus(int approvalStatus) { return this.deleteFlag;
this.approvalStatus = approvalStatus;
public String getCustCode() {
return custCode;
public void setCustCode(String custCode) {
this.custCode = custCode;
public String getCustName() {
return custName;
} }
public void setCustName(String custName) { /**
this.custName = custName; * set the deleteFlag - 是否删除0.否1.是.
* @param deleteFlag - 是否删除0.否1.是
public void setDeleteFlag(Boolean deleteFlag) {
this.deleteFlag = deleteFlag;
} }
/** /**
* get the value from Map * get the value from Map.
* @param map - source data map
*/ */
@Override @Override
public void fromMap(Map map) { public void fromMap(Map map) {
setId(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get("id")), id)); setId(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_ID)), id));
setCompanyCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("companyCode")), companyCode)); setCompanyCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE)), companyCode));
setCreatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("createdBy")), createdBy)); setDepCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_DEP_CODE)), depCode));
setCreatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("createdByName")), createdName)); setCreatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_CREATED_BY)), createdBy));
setCreatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("createdTime")), createdTime)); setCreatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_CREATED_NAME)), createdName));
setUpdatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("updatedBy")), updatedBy)); setCreatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_CREATED_TIME)), createdTime));
setUpdatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("updatedName")), updatedName)); setUpdatedBy(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_UPDATED_BY)), updatedBy));
setUpdatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("updatedTime")), updatedTime)); setUpdatedName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME)), updatedName));
setDepCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("depCode")), depCode)); setUpdatedTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME)), updatedTime));
setStatus(NumberUtils.toint(StringUtils.toString(map.get("status")), status)); setReqCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_REQ_CODE)), reqCode));
setDocumentCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("documentCode")), documentCode)); setReceiptDate(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE)), receiptDate));
setDocumentTime(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("documentTime")), documentTime)); setWhCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_WH_CODE)), whCode));
setWhCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("whCode")), whCode)); setWhName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_WH_NAME)), whName));
setWhName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("whName")), whName)); setInventType(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE)), inventType));
setMaterialType(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialType")), materialType)); setInventCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_CODE)), inventCode));
setMaterialTypeName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialTypeName")), materialTypeName)); setInventName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_NAME)), inventName));
setMaterialCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialCode")), materialCode)); setInventRecordId(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID)), inventRecordId));
setMaterialName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("materialName")), materialName)); setAmount(NumberUtils.toBigDecimal(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_AMOUNT)), amount));
setSpec(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("spec")), spec)); setWeight(NumberUtils.toBigDecimal(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_WEIGHT)), weight));
setUnit(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("unit")), unit)); setRemarks(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_REMARKS)), remarks));
setQuantity(NumberUtils.toLong(StringUtils.toString(map.get("quantity")), quantity)); setDeleteFlag(NumberUtils.toBoolean(StringUtils.toString(map.get(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG)), deleteFlag));
setWeight(NumberUtils.toBigDecimal(StringUtils.toString(map.get("weight")), weight)); }
setRemarks(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("remarks")), remarks));
setApprovalStatus(NumberUtils.toint(StringUtils.toString(map.get("approvalStatus")), approvalStatus)); /**
setCustCode(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("custCode")), custCode)); * set the value to Map.
setCustName(StringUtils.defaultIfEmpty(StringUtils.toString(map.get("custName")), custName));
* set the value to Map
*/ */
@Override @Override
public Map toMap() { public Map toMap() {
Map map = new HashMap(); Map map = new HashMap();
map.put("id",StringUtils.toString(id, eiMetadata.getMeta("id"))); map.put(FIELD_ID, StringUtils.toString(id, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_ID)));
map.put("companyCode",StringUtils.toString(companyCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("companyCode"))); map.put(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE, StringUtils.toString(companyCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_COMPANY_CODE)));
map.put("createdBy",StringUtils.toString(createdBy, eiMetadata.getMeta("createdBy"))); map.put(FIELD_DEP_CODE, StringUtils.toString(depCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_DEP_CODE)));
map.put("createdName",StringUtils.toString(createdName, eiMetadata.getMeta("createdByName"))); map.put(FIELD_CREATED_BY, StringUtils.toString(createdBy, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_CREATED_BY)));
map.put("createdTime",StringUtils.toString(createdTime, eiMetadata.getMeta("createdTime"))); map.put(FIELD_CREATED_NAME, StringUtils.toString(createdName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_CREATED_NAME)));
map.put("updatedBy",StringUtils.toString(updatedBy, eiMetadata.getMeta("updatedBy"))); map.put(FIELD_CREATED_TIME, StringUtils.toString(createdTime, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_CREATED_TIME)));
map.put("updatedName",StringUtils.toString(updatedName, eiMetadata.getMeta("updatedName"))); map.put(FIELD_UPDATED_BY, StringUtils.toString(updatedBy, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_UPDATED_BY)));
map.put("updatedTime",StringUtils.toString(updatedTime, eiMetadata.getMeta("updatedTime"))); map.put(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME, StringUtils.toString(updatedName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_UPDATED_NAME)));
map.put("depCode",StringUtils.toString(depCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("depCode"))); map.put(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME, StringUtils.toString(updatedTime, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_UPDATED_TIME)));
map.put("status",StringUtils.toString(status, eiMetadata.getMeta("status"))); map.put(FIELD_REQ_CODE, StringUtils.toString(reqCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_REQ_CODE)));
map.put("documentCode",StringUtils.toString(documentCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("documentCode"))); map.put(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE, StringUtils.toString(receiptDate, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_RECEIPT_DATE)));
map.put("documentTime",StringUtils.toString(documentTime, eiMetadata.getMeta("documentTime"))); map.put(FIELD_WH_CODE, StringUtils.toString(whCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_WH_CODE)));
map.put("whCode",StringUtils.toString(whCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("whCode"))); map.put(FIELD_WH_NAME, StringUtils.toString(whName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_WH_NAME)));
map.put("whName",StringUtils.toString(whName, eiMetadata.getMeta("whName"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE, StringUtils.toString(inventType, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_TYPE)));
map.put("materialType",StringUtils.toString(materialType, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialType"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_CODE, StringUtils.toString(inventCode, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_CODE)));
map.put("materialTypeName",StringUtils.toString(materialTypeName, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialTypeName"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_NAME, StringUtils.toString(inventName, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_NAME)));
map.put("materialCode",StringUtils.toString(materialCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialCode"))); map.put(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID, StringUtils.toString(inventRecordId, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_INVENT_RECORD_ID)));
map.put("materialName",StringUtils.toString(materialName, eiMetadata.getMeta("materialName"))); map.put(FIELD_AMOUNT, StringUtils.toString(amount, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_AMOUNT)));
map.put("spec",StringUtils.toString(spec, eiMetadata.getMeta("spec"))); map.put(FIELD_WEIGHT, StringUtils.toString(weight, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_WEIGHT)));
map.put("unit",StringUtils.toString(unit, eiMetadata.getMeta("unit"))); map.put(FIELD_REMARKS, StringUtils.toString(remarks, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_REMARKS)));
map.put("quantity",StringUtils.toString(quantity, eiMetadata.getMeta("quantity"))); map.put(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG, StringUtils.toString(deleteFlag, eiMetadata.getMeta(FIELD_DELETE_FLAG)));
map.put("weight",StringUtils.toString(weight, eiMetadata.getMeta("weight")));
map.put("remarks",StringUtils.toString(remarks, eiMetadata.getMeta("remarks")));
map.put("approvalStatus",StringUtils.toString(approvalStatus, eiMetadata.getMeta("approvalStatus")));
map.put("custCode",StringUtils.toString(custCode, eiMetadata.getMeta("custCode")));
map.put("custName",StringUtils.toString(custName, eiMetadata.getMeta("custName")));
return map;
return map;
} }
} }
...@@ -2,6 +2,30 @@ ...@@ -2,6 +2,30 @@
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" ""> <!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" "">
<sqlMap namespace="HPKC001"> <sqlMap namespace="HPKC001">
<sql id="column">
ID as "id", <!-- 主键id -->
COMPANY_CODE as "companyCode", <!-- 企业编码 预留 -->
DEP_CODE as "depCode", <!-- 部门编码 -->
CREATED_BY as "createdBy", <!-- 创建人 -->
CREATED_NAME as "createdName", <!-- 创建人名称 -->
CREATED_TIME as "createdTime", <!-- 创建时间 -->
UPDATED_BY as "updatedBy", <!-- 更新人 -->
UPDATED_NAME as "updatedName", <!-- 更新人名称 -->
UPDATED_TIME as "updatedTime", <!-- 更新时间 -->
PURCHASE_CODE as "purchaseCode", <!-- 采购单号 -->
RECEIPT_DATE as "receiptDate", <!-- 单据日期 -->
WH_CODE as "whCode", <!-- 仓库编码 -->
WH_NAME as "whName", <!-- 仓库名称 -->
INVENT_TYPE as "inventType", <!-- 存货类型 -->
INVENT_CODE as "inventCode", <!-- 存货编码 -->
INVENT_NAME as "inventName", <!-- 存货名称 -->
INVENT_RECORD_ID as "inventRecordId", <!-- 存货档案ID -->
AMOUNT as "amount", <!-- 数量 -->
WEIGHT as "weight", <!-- 重量 -->
REMARKS as "remarks", <!-- 备注 -->
DELETE_FLAG as "deleteFlag" <!-- 是否删除0.否1.是 -->
<sql id="condition"> <sql id="condition">
<isNotEmpty prepend=" AND " property="id"> <isNotEmpty prepend=" AND " property="id">
ID = #id# ID = #id#
...@@ -25,35 +49,10 @@ ...@@ -25,35 +49,10 @@
CREATED_TIME BETWEEN #createdTimeFrom# AND #createdTimeTo# CREATED_TIME BETWEEN #createdTimeFrom# AND #createdTimeTo#
</isNotEmpty> </isNotEmpty>
</sql> </sql>
<select id="query" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap" <select id="query" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap"
resultClass="com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain.HPKC001"> resultClass="com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain.HPKC001">
SELECT SELECT <include refid="column"/>
ID as "id",
COMPANY_CODE as "companyCode", <!-- 企业编码 预留 -->
CREATED_BY as "createdBy", <!-- 创建人 -->
CREATED_NAME as "createdName", <!-- 创建人名称 -->
CREATED_TIME as "createdTime", <!-- 创建时间 -->
UPDATED_BY as "updatedBy", <!-- 更新人 -->
UPDATED_NAME as "updatedName", <!-- 更新人名称 -->
UPDATED_TIME as "updatedTime", <!-- 更新时间 -->
DEP_CODE as "depCode", <!-- 部门编码 -->
STATUS as "status", <!-- 数据状态 1正常 0删除 -->
DOCUMENT_CODE as "documentCode", <!-- 采购入库单号 -->
DOCUMENT_TIME as "documentTime", <!-- 单据日期 -->
WH_CODE as "whCode", <!-- 仓库编码 -->
WH_NAME as "whName", <!-- 仓库名称 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE as "materialType", <!-- 存货类型编码 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME as "materialTypeName", <!-- 存货类型名称 -->
MATERIAL_CODE as "materialCode", <!-- 存货编码 -->
MATERIAL_NAME as "materialName", <!-- 存货名称 -->
SPEC as "spec", <!-- 规格 -->
UNIT as "unit", <!-- 单位 -->
QUANTITY as "quantity", <!-- 数量 -->
WEIGHT as "weight", <!-- 重量 -->
REMARKS as "remarks", <!-- 备注 -->
APPROVAL_STATUS as "approvalStatus", <!-- 审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝 -->
CUST_CODE as "custCode", <!-- 供应商编码 -->
CUST_NAME as "custName" <!-- 供应商名称 -->
FROM hpjx.t_hpkc001 WHERE 1=1 FROM hpjx.t_hpkc001 WHERE 1=1
<include refid="condition"/> <include refid="condition"/>
<dynamic prepend="ORDER BY"> <dynamic prepend="ORDER BY">
...@@ -72,42 +71,35 @@ ...@@ -72,42 +71,35 @@
</select> </select>
<insert id="insert"> <insert id="insert">
INSERT INTO hpjx.t_hpkc001 ( INSERT INTO ${hpjxSchema}.T_HPKC001 (
COMPANY_CODE, <!-- 企业编码 预留 --> COMPANY_CODE, <!-- 企业编码 预留 -->
DEP_CODE, <!-- 部门编码 -->
CREATED_BY, <!-- 创建人 --> CREATED_BY, <!-- 创建人 -->
CREATED_NAME, <!-- 创建人名称 --> CREATED_NAME, <!-- 创建人名称 -->
CREATED_TIME, <!-- 创建时间 --> CREATED_TIME, <!-- 创建时间 -->
UPDATED_BY, <!-- 更新人 --> PURCHASE_CODE, <!-- 采购单号 -->
UPDATED_NAME, <!-- 更新人名称 --> RECEIPT_DATE, <!-- 单据日期 -->
UPDATED_TIME, <!-- 更新时间 -->
DEP_CODE, <!-- 部门编码 -->
STATUS, <!-- 数据状态 1正常 0删除 -->
DOCUMENT_CODE, <!-- 采购入库单号 -->
DOCUMENT_TIME, <!-- 单据日期 -->
WH_CODE, <!-- 仓库编码 --> WH_CODE, <!-- 仓库编码 -->
WH_NAME, <!-- 仓库名称 --> WH_NAME, <!-- 仓库名称 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE, <!-- 存货类型编码 --> INVENT_TYPE, <!-- 存货类型 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME, <!-- 存货类型名称 --> INVENT_CODE, <!-- 存货编码 -->
MATERIAL_CODE, <!-- 存货编码 --> INVENT_NAME, <!-- 存货名称 -->
MATERIAL_NAME, <!-- 存货名称 --> INVENT_RECORD_ID, <!-- 存货档案ID -->
SPEC, <!-- 规格 --> AMOUNT, <!-- 数量 -->
UNIT, <!-- 单位 -->
QUANTITY, <!-- 数量 -->
WEIGHT, <!-- 重量 --> WEIGHT, <!-- 重量 -->
REMARKS, <!-- 备注 --> REMARKS, <!-- 备注 -->
APPROVAL_STATUS, <!-- 审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝 --> DELETE_FLAG <!-- 是否删除0.否1.是 -->
CUST_CODE, <!-- 供应商编码 --> ) VALUES (
CUST_NAME <!-- 供应商名称 --> #companyCode#, #depCode#, #createdBy#, #createdName#, #createdTime#,
#purchaseCode#, #receiptDate#, #whCode#, #whName#, #inventType#,
#inventCode#, #inventName#, #inventRecordId#, #amount#, #weight#,
#remarks#, #deleteFlag#
) )
VALUES (#companyCode#, #createdBy#, #createdName#, #createdTime#, #updatedBy#,
#updatedName#, #updatedTime#,#depCode#, #status#, #documentCode#,
#documentTime#, #whCode#, #whName#, #materialType#, #materialTypeName#,
#materialCode#, #materialName#, #spec#, #unit#, #quantity#,
#weight#, #remarks#, #approvalStatus#, #custCode#, #custName#)
</insert> </insert>
<!-- 逻辑删除 -->
<delete id="delete"> <delete id="delete">
DELETE FROM hpjx.t_hpkc001 WHERE ID = #id# UPDATE hpjx.t_hpkc001 SET DELETE_FLAG = 1 WHERE ID = #id#
</delete> </delete>
<update id="approvalStatusUpdate"> <update id="approvalStatusUpdate">
...@@ -119,66 +111,19 @@ ...@@ -119,66 +111,19 @@
<update id="update"> <update id="update">
UPDATE hpjx.t_hpkc001 UPDATE hpjx.t_hpkc001
UPDATED_BY = #updatedBy#, UPDATED_BY = #updatedBy#, <!-- 更新人 -->
UPDATED_NAME = #updatedName#, UPDATED_NAME = #updatedName#, <!-- 更新人名称 -->
UPDATED_TIME = #updatedTime# UPDATED_TIME = #updatedTime#, <!-- 更新时间 -->
<isNotEmpty property="companyCode"> RECEIPT_DATE = #receiptDate#, <!-- 单据日期 -->
,COMPANY_CODE = #companyCode# WH_CODE = #whCode#, <!-- 仓库编码 -->
</isNotEmpty> WH_NAME = #whName#, <!-- 仓库名称 -->
<isNotEmpty property="depCode"> INVENT_TYPE = #inventType#, <!-- 存货类型 -->
,DEP_CODE = #depCode# INVENT_CODE = #inventCode#, <!-- 存货编码 -->
</isNotEmpty> INVENT_NAME = #inventName#, <!-- 存货名称 -->
<isNotEmpty property="STATUS"> INVENT_RECORD_ID = #inventRecordId#, <!-- 存货档案ID -->
,STATUS = #status# AMOUNT = #amount#, <!-- 数量 -->
</isNotEmpty> WEIGHT = #weight#, <!-- 重量 -->
<isNotEmpty property="documentCode"> REMARKS = #remarks# <!-- 备注 -->
,DOCUMENT_CODE = #documentCode#
<isNotEmpty property="documentTime">
,DOCUMENT_TIME = #documentTime#
<isNotEmpty property="whCode">
,WH_CODE = #whCode#
<isNotEmpty property="whName">
,WH_NAME = #whName#
<isNotEmpty property="materialType">
,MATERIAL_TYPE = #materialType#
<isNotEmpty property="materialTypeName">
,MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME = #materialTypeName#
<isNotEmpty property="materialCode">
,MATERIAL_CODE = #materialCode#
<isNotEmpty property="materialName">
,MATERIAL_NAME = #materialName#
<isNotEmpty property="spec">
,SPEC = #spec#
<isNotEmpty property="unit">
,UNIT = #unit#
<isNotEmpty property="quantity">
,QUANTITY = #quantity#
<isNotEmpty property="weight">
,WEIGHT = #weight#
<isNotEmpty property="remarks">
,REMARKS = #remarks#
<isNotEmpty property="approvalStatus">
,APPROVAL_STATUS = #approvalStatus#
<isNotEmpty property="custCode">
,CUST_CODE = #custCode#
<isNotEmpty property="custName">
,CUST_NAME = #custName#
WHERE ID = #id# WHERE ID = #id#
</update> </update>
...@@ -2,6 +2,30 @@ ...@@ -2,6 +2,30 @@
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" ""> <!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" "">
<sqlMap namespace="HPKC002"> <sqlMap namespace="HPKC002">
<sql id="column">
ID as "id", <!-- 主键id -->
COMPANY_CODE as "companyCode", <!-- 企业编码 预留 -->
DEP_CODE as "depCode", <!-- 部门编码 -->
CREATED_BY as "createdBy", <!-- 创建人 -->
CREATED_NAME as "createdName", <!-- 创建人名称 -->
CREATED_TIME as "createdTime", <!-- 创建时间 -->
UPDATED_BY as "updatedBy", <!-- 更新人 -->
UPDATED_NAME as "updatedName", <!-- 更新人名称 -->
UPDATED_TIME as "updatedTime", <!-- 更新时间 -->
REQ_CODE as "reqCode", <!-- 领料单号 -->
RECEIPT_DATE as "receiptDate", <!-- 单据日期 -->
WH_CODE as "whCode", <!-- 仓库编码 -->
WH_NAME as "whName", <!-- 仓库名称 -->
INVENT_TYPE as "inventType", <!-- 存货类型 -->
INVENT_CODE as "inventCode", <!-- 存货编码 -->
INVENT_NAME as "inventName", <!-- 存货名称 -->
INVENT_RECORD_ID as "inventRecordId", <!-- 存货档案ID -->
AMOUNT as "amount", <!-- 数量 -->
WEIGHT as "weight", <!-- 重量 -->
REMARKS as "remarks", <!-- 备注 -->
DELETE_FLAG as "deleteFlag" <!-- 是否删除0.否1.是 -->
<sql id="condition"> <sql id="condition">
<isNotEmpty prepend=" AND " property="id"> <isNotEmpty prepend=" AND " property="id">
ID = #id# ID = #id#
...@@ -27,33 +51,7 @@ ...@@ -27,33 +51,7 @@
</sql> </sql>
<select id="query" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap" <select id="query" parameterClass="java.util.HashMap"
resultClass="com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain.HPKC002"> resultClass="com.baosight.hpjx.hp.kc.domain.HPKC002">
SELECT SELECT <include refid="column"/>
ID as "id",
COMPANY_CODE as "companyCode", <!-- 企业编码 预留 -->
CREATED_BY as "createdBy", <!-- 创建人 -->
CREATED_NAME as "createdName", <!-- 创建人名称 -->
CREATED_TIME as "createdTime", <!-- 创建时间 -->
UPDATED_BY as "updatedBy", <!-- 更新人 -->
UPDATED_NAME as "updatedName", <!-- 更新人名称 -->
UPDATED_TIME as "updatedTime", <!-- 更新时间 -->
DEP_CODE as "depCode", <!-- 部门编码 -->
STATUS as "status", <!-- 数据状态 1正常 0删除 -->
DOCUMENT_CODE as "documentCode", <!-- 采购入库单号 -->
DOCUMENT_TIME as "documentTime", <!-- 单据日期 -->
WH_CODE as "whCode", <!-- 仓库编码 -->
WH_NAME as "whName", <!-- 仓库名称 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE as "materialType", <!-- 存货类型编码 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME as "materialTypeName", <!-- 存货类型名称 -->
MATERIAL_CODE as "materialCode", <!-- 存货编码 -->
MATERIAL_NAME as "materialName", <!-- 存货名称 -->
SPEC as "spec", <!-- 规格 -->
UNIT as "unit", <!-- 单位 -->
QUANTITY as "quantity", <!-- 数量 -->
WEIGHT as "weight", <!-- 重量 -->
REMARKS as "remarks", <!-- 备注 -->
APPROVAL_STATUS as "approvalStatus", <!-- 审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝 -->
CUST_CODE as "custCode", <!-- 供应商编码 -->
CUST_NAME as "custName" <!-- 供应商名称 -->
FROM hpjx.t_hpkc002 WHERE 1=1 FROM hpjx.t_hpkc002 WHERE 1=1
<include refid="condition"/> <include refid="condition"/>
<dynamic prepend="ORDER BY"> <dynamic prepend="ORDER BY">
...@@ -74,107 +72,53 @@ ...@@ -74,107 +72,53 @@
</select> </select>
<insert id="insert"> <insert id="insert">
INSERT INTO hpjx.t_hpkc002 ( INSERT INTO ${hpjxSchema}.T_HPKC002 (
COMPANY_CODE, <!-- 企业编码 预留 --> COMPANY_CODE, <!-- 企业编码 预留 -->
DEP_CODE, <!-- 部门编码 -->
CREATED_BY, <!-- 创建人 --> CREATED_BY, <!-- 创建人 -->
CREATED_NAME, <!-- 创建人名称 --> CREATED_NAME, <!-- 创建人名称 -->
CREATED_TIME, <!-- 创建时间 --> CREATED_TIME, <!-- 创建时间 -->
UPDATED_BY, <!-- 更新人 --> REQ_CODE, <!-- 领料单号 -->
UPDATED_NAME, <!-- 更新人名称 --> RECEIPT_DATE, <!-- 单据日期 -->
UPDATED_TIME, <!-- 更新时间 -->
DEP_CODE, <!-- 部门编码 -->
STATUS, <!-- 数据状态 1正常 0删除 -->
DOCUMENT_CODE, <!-- 采购入库单号 -->
DOCUMENT_TIME, <!-- 单据日期 -->
WH_CODE, <!-- 仓库编码 --> WH_CODE, <!-- 仓库编码 -->
WH_NAME, <!-- 仓库名称 --> WH_NAME, <!-- 仓库名称 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE, <!-- 存货类型编码 --> INVENT_TYPE, <!-- 存货类型 -->
MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME, <!-- 存货类型名称 --> INVENT_CODE, <!-- 存货编码 -->
MATERIAL_CODE, <!-- 存货编码 --> INVENT_NAME, <!-- 存货名称 -->
MATERIAL_NAME, <!-- 存货名称 --> INVENT_RECORD_ID, <!-- 存货档案ID -->
SPEC, <!-- 规格 --> AMOUNT, <!-- 数量 -->
UNIT, <!-- 单位 -->
QUANTITY, <!-- 数量 -->
WEIGHT, <!-- 重量 --> WEIGHT, <!-- 重量 -->
REMARKS, <!-- 备注 --> REMARKS, <!-- 备注 -->
APPROVAL_STATUS, <!-- 审批状态:1-保存,2-已提交,3-审批通过,4-审批拒绝 --> DELETE_FLAG <!-- 是否删除0.否1.是 -->
CUST_CODE, <!-- 供应商编码 --> ) VALUES (
CUST_NAME <!-- 供应商名称 --> #companyCode#, #depCode#, #createdBy#, #createdName#, #createdTime#,
#reqCode#, #receiptDate#, #whCode#, #whName#, #inventType#, #inventCode#,
#inventName#, #inventRecordId#, #amount#, #weight#, #remarks#, #deleteFlag#
) )
VALUES (#companyCode#, #createdBy#, #createdName#, #createdTime#, #updatedBy#,
#updatedName#, #updatedTime#,#depCode#, #status#, #documentCode#,
#documentTime#, #whCode#, #whName#, #materialType#, #materialTypeName#,
#materialCode#, #materialName#, #spec#, #unit#, #quantity#,
#weight#, #remarks#, #approvalStatus#, #custCode#, #custName#)
</insert> </insert>
<!-- 逻辑删除 -->
<delete id="delete"> <delete id="delete">
DELETE FROM hpjx.t_hpkc002 WHERE ID = #id# UPDATE hpjx.t_hpkc002 SET DELETE_FLAG = 1 WHERE ID = #id#
</delete> </delete>
<update id="update"> <update id="update">
UPDATE hpjx.t_hpkc002 UPDATE ${hpjxSchema}.T_HPKC002
UPDATED_BY = #updatedBy#, UPDATED_BY = #updatedBy#, <!-- 更新人 -->
UPDATED_BY = #updatedBy#, UPDATED_NAME = #updatedName#, <!-- 更新人名称 -->
UPDATED_BY = #updatedBy# UPDATED_TIME = #updatedTime#, <!-- 更新时间 -->
<isNotEmpty property="companyCode"> REQ_CODE = #reqCode#, <!-- 领料单号 -->
,COMPANY_CODE = #companyCode# RECEIPT_DATE = #receiptDate#, <!-- 单据日期 -->
</isNotEmpty> WH_CODE = #whCode#, <!-- 仓库编码 -->
<isNotEmpty property="depCode"> WH_NAME = #whName#, <!-- 仓库名称 -->
,DEP_CODE = #depCode# INVENT_TYPE = #inventType#, <!-- 存货类型 -->
</isNotEmpty> INVENT_CODE = #inventCode#, <!-- 存货编码 -->
<isNotEmpty property="STATUS"> INVENT_NAME = #inventName#, <!-- 存货名称 -->
,STATUS = #status# INVENT_RECORD_ID = #inventRecordId#, <!-- 存货档案ID -->
</isNotEmpty> AMOUNT = #amount#, <!-- 数量 -->
<isNotEmpty property="documentCode"> WEIGHT = #weight#, <!-- 重量 -->
,DOCUMENT_CODE = #documentCode# REMARKS = #remarks# <!-- 备注 -->
<isNotEmpty property="documentTime">
,DOCUMENT_TIME = #documentTime#
<isNotEmpty property="whCode">
,WH_CODE = #whCode#
<isNotEmpty property="whName">
,WH_NAME = #whName#
<isNotEmpty property="materialType">
,MATERIAL_TYPE = #materialType#
<isNotEmpty property="materialTypeName">
,MATERIAL_TYPE_NAME = #materialTypeName#
<isNotEmpty property="materialCode">
,MATERIAL_CODE = #materialCode#
<isNotEmpty property="materialName">
,MATERIAL_NAME = #materialName#
<isNotEmpty property="spec">
,SPEC = #spec#
<isNotEmpty property="unit">
,UNIT = #unit#
<isNotEmpty property="quantity">
,QUANTITY = #quantity#
<isNotEmpty property="weight">
,WEIGHT = #weight#
<isNotEmpty property="remarks">
,REMARKS = #remarks#
<isNotEmpty property="approvalStatus">
,APPROVAL_STATUS = #approvalStatus#
<isNotEmpty property="custCode">
,CUST_CODE = #custCode#
<isNotEmpty property="custName">
,CUST_NAME = #custName#
WHERE ID = #id# WHERE ID = #id#
</update> </update>
...@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ ...@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
<EF:EFComboColumn ename="status" cname="状态" align="center" width="100" required="true"> <EF:EFComboColumn ename="status" cname="状态" align="center" width="100" required="true">
<EF:EFCodeOption codeName="hpjx.hpjx.status"/> <EF:EFCodeOption codeName="hpjx.hpjx.status"/>
</EF:EFComboColumn> </EF:EFComboColumn>
<EF:EFColumn ename="createdBy" cname="创建人" enable="false" width="100" align="center"/> <EF:EFColumn ename="createdName" cname="创建人" enable="false" width="100" align="center"/>
<EF:EFColumn ename="createdTime" cname="创建时间" enable="false" width="140" align="center" <EF:EFColumn ename="createdTime" cname="创建时间" enable="false" width="140" align="center"
parseFormats="['yyyyMMddHHmmss']" editType="datetime" dateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/> parseFormats="['yyyyMMddHHmmss']" editType="datetime" dateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/>
<EF:EFColumn ename="updatedBy" cname="更新人" enable="false" width="100" align="center"/> <EF:EFColumn ename="updatedName" cname="更新人" enable="false" width="100" align="center"/>
<EF:EFColumn ename="updatedTime" cname="更新时间" enable="false" width="140" align="center" <EF:EFColumn ename="updatedTime" cname="更新时间" enable="false" width="140" align="center"
parseFormats="['yyyyMMddHHmmss']" editType="datetime" dateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/> parseFormats="['yyyyMMddHHmmss']" editType="datetime" dateFormat="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"/>
</EF:EFGrid> </EF:EFGrid>
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